Installation And Configuration Of GitLab Server With CI

Sep 17, 2016

Please select Ubuntu 16.04, if it’s possible, as the server os, for both the servers. I’m using this. I’ll try to write the steps as os agnostic as possible and shall try to give proper links to install for other distributions.

And of-course put the domain/sub-domain name you are going to use as the name of the server. It’s required.

This is the second part of the series to configure a source control hosting. This post contains only installation steps. If you need any push to motivate youself to do this, you may find the first part helpful.

Here is the first part, regarding choice of hosting and some inspiration.

I’ve used the Omnibus package for installation. Found this as most convenient one. And I’ve seen that, it’s possible to tweak all the services installed by this package. You can also opt for installation of individual components of GitLab. You can find lot of options here.

Before we start the installation, we need to log into the system by SSH and update our system. If you’re using any version of Linux or Mac, you have your terminal and the command ssh is available. For Windows use Putty. More details.

# first update the registry
sudo apt-get update
# upgrade if any update available
sudo apt-get upgrade

Now follow the instructions described here for GitLab Community Edition Server. Instructions have been written quite clearly.

Select Internet Site during Postfix installation

It may happen that, your server provider has blocked the SMTP port by default. Check if mails are going from the server.

sudo apt-get install mailutils
echo "This is the body of the email" | mail -s "This is the subject line" to@existingmail.address

If not, configure the mail server properly. It’ll be needed by GitLab.

But before executing the command gitlab-ctl reconfigure, we have to do something to configure this server with SSL.

Please don’t use the server with IP. Use a domain name with SSL. It’ll give a level of security inside the network layer. More details.

Theoretically you can use a IP for your server hostname. But, if you are configuring a git server for yourself. Give it a name. Even a subdomain like subdomain.domain.tld looks good. And there are lots of providers selling cheap ssl certificates. Get one of them. I’ve seen Comodo Positive SSL’s are the cheapest ones and will show a green lock in the address bar of the browser.

It’s also possible to use self-signed certificate. But that will show a red lock with cross in the address bar. Main difference will be the .crt certificate we are going to use for the server. To configure SSL for an HTTP server we need one .key and corresponding .crt file. Details about private keys and csr’s are described here. To summerize, for self issued certificate, first generate a private key and a .crt file.

# replace the domain with a name you like
openssl req \
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain.key \
-x509 -days 365 -out ssl.crt

# put the files into proper folder so that GitLab can get them
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl
sudo chmod 700 /etc/gitlab/ssl
sudo cp domain.key ssl.crt /etc/gitlab/ssl/

# also add the keys to the system
sudo cp ssl.crt /etc/ssl/certs/gitlab.pem
sudo cat /etc/ssl/certs/gitlab.pem > /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

If you’ve bought a SSL certificate from a provider like Comodo, you need one .csr file to upload to the site to issue a domain validated certificate.

openssl req \
-newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout domain.key \
-out domain.csr

Upload the .csr file to the site and after validation/completion of the required steps you can download a .zip file containing either two files like domain.crt and something like domain-bundle.crt or 4 files, such as domain.crt, AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt, COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt and COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt. This is the case of Comodo Positive SSL. If you find it otherwise, please consider your SSL issuer’s document about this.

Either way, you need to concatenate all the .crt files into one.

# if you've two .crt files
cat domain.crt domain-bundle.crt > ssl.crt

# if you've four different files
cat domain.crt COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt > ssl.crt

# put the files into proper folder so that GitLab can get them
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl
sudo chmod 700 /etc/gitlab/ssl
sudo cp domain.key ssl.crt /etc/gitlab/ssl/

# also add the keys to the system
sudo cp ssl.crt /etc/ssl/certs/gitlab.pem
sudo cat /etc/ssl/certs/gitlab.pem > /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

To configure your server with the domain name you decided, you have to register the domain name and point the domain to the server or you can use sub-domain of an existing domain. For subdomain create just one CNAME. Here you can find some details. Open the generic steps. Use the name you decided for the subdomain as the alias.

To use a root domain like domain.tld, you need to create one A-record and one CNAME record. Here, you can read about various record types for DNS, here is one guide to add A-record and here, you will get the details regarding how to point your domain to your server. For that you need to know the IP of the server. Either get it from the mail, you got after buying the server or server provider’s control panel or by the following method, if you are logged into your server by ssh.

# icanhazip is a free service for ip lookup
xx.xx.xx.xx # server ip

We are in the last phase of configuration of our GitLab server. Open the file /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb and add/modify some lines in it. Replace the domain carefully.

external_url "https://domain.tld"
nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/ssl.crt"
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/domain.key"
nginx['proxy_set_headers'] = {
"X-Forwarded-Proto" => "http",

Now, execute sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure. It’ll take some time, depending on the speed of the server. And, if everything goes ok, we should be able to open GitLab client in the browser at https://domain.tld, with a green lock of SSL.


First the browser will be redirected to set the password of the initial administrator account root. Set the password and log into the dashboard by entering the username root and the password you’ve just set. Click on the small range icon to the right hand side of the top bar and then click on the settings icon to left. There you’ll find lot of options to customize. Probably you need to stop the public Sign-up first and use two-factor authentication.

Your server is set-up. Now we have to configure our CI. This is pretty straight forward.

Upload the ssl.crt to the server, intended for the CI. SSH into this server.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

# for those, who have configured with self signed
# certificate, following steps are required
cd /path/to/ssl.crt
sudo cp ssl.crt /etc/ssl/certs/gitlab.pem
sudo cat /etc/ssl/certs/gitlab.pem > /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

First decide about the runner, and follow the steps. There are also some links to important documents here.

Create a new project. Configure .gitlab-ci.yml and enjoy build at every push. Don’t forget to add one badge to the README, will come in the format, ![Build Status](https://domain.tld/namespace/project-name/badges/branch-name/build.svg).

Happy coding. Try to live in your own terms. :-)

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